Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Not-So-Wordless Wednesday- Back to School

The blog has been quiet lately because we are all back in school.  Let me tell you, life with three kiddos is B-U-S-Y!  The mornings are crazy between nursing, trying to get myself and the girls fed and ready, dropping everyone off at school/the sitter's house, and trying my best to make it work on time (7:30AM!) It's definitely a challenge!  By the time I walk through the doors of the school I feel like I've already worked a full day.  I'm sure we will begin to settle into a routine very soon, but for now all I can say is I'm trying the best I can.  However, looking at these sweet kiddos and the smiles on their faces makes all of the hustle and bustle worth every minute.
Mackaylan started 5th grade this year.  It's hard to believe, but this is her last year at the elementary school.  Next year I will have a middle-schooler!  YIKES! She loves everything about school. She is an avid reader and always gives her very best!  

This year Mackaylan is sharing her "senior" year at OPE with Lydia who is just beginning her elementary career as a K4 student.   Lydia seems to be enjoying school so far, but the verdict is still out.  She is definitely our little socialite, and has a mind of her own, so we are all thrilled that we are on day 7 of smiley faces!  This year is a big adjustment for her as she is going from a home daycare situation with one other child to 1/2 day at public school and 1/2 day at daycare.   So far so good! 

 Even though starting back to school is hectic, I love the new opportunities that August always brings.     And the fact that these two get to share this year at the same school together sure makes this mama's heart happy! 

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I love the girls' back to school outfits. I hear you on the crazy mornings. Getting the kids out the door to three different schools and working myself can be kind of hectic. We start all of our after school activities soon, so our evening are going to be busy too. We've got this, right?