Sunday, April 5, 2009

What can I say?...

I love to read! However, due to the nature of my current job, I usually spend most of my time reading nonfiction. You know.. professional books, most of them concerning literacy (esp. in the primary grades). I also like to read, what I would call "self-help" books. It's not that I don't enjoy reading fiction. It's just that once I get into a book--I CAN"T PUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!! Actually, I really love reading fiction. However, in my life there seems to be a very fine line between love and addiction (same goes for chocolate, Coca-Cola, shopping...)

For example, I started reading A Moment of Weakness by Karen Kingsbury (my favorite author) on Friday night before bed. I woke up Saturday morning and read every possible waking moment that I could. That means in between making breakfast, turning on "shows," playing with my 4 yr. old DD, making PB&J sandwiches, working on the blog, etc. the book was in hand. After reading well over 3/4 of the book it was time to go to bed and......I COULDN"T SLEEP! The characters and the plot were running over and over again in my mind. All I could think about was Jade, Tanner, Ty, and what the remaining pages had in store. I tossed and turned and eventually had to get out of bed, get a drink of water, and take some meds. I tried to clear my mind by watching a little college basketball on TV and eventually I fell asleep. When I woke up this morning all I could think about was getting back into my book. I read the entire time my family was at church and finally successfully completed the book this afternoon!

If you have never read any of Karen Kingsbury's work I highly recommend you get in your car, drive to your local library or bookstore and pick one up. I promise that once you start reading you will not want to stop. You may just find yourself addicted as well!! By the way, while you're out, can you pick up Halfway to Forever for me?


LaVonne said...

I am going to have to place holds on these books from the library. I love fiction too, but have not been reading any lately. Thanks for the recommendations. And thanks for stopping by my blog. I love commenters. Stop by anytime! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

I have a pretty good collection of her books...I LOVE her, I am reading A Time to Dance right now, and it is incredible. I am alot like you and never read during the school year, but I cannot put her books down. Anyways, you are more than welcome to borrow mine, although our paths do not cross very often. Happy Reading!